Tag Archives: Nicholas Nickleby

Special Anniversary Lookback: The Best of the Obscure

I admit it. I write about many famous stories on this blog. But one of my favorite things about it is drawing attention to works of art or entertainment about which many people haven’t heard. It gives me joy to … Continue reading

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The Adaptation Station’s Two-Year Anniversary Top Ten List (in Alphabetical Order)

Technically, it’s no longer this blog’s two-year anniversary, but I still felt like doing this list of the top ten movies/shows/plays about which I’ve blogged. Here are some disclaimers. If you’ve been following my blog and remember the other “list” … Continue reading

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The First Ever Adaptees Award Ceremony

Today is the two-year anniversary of The Adaptation Station.com! I wanted to do something special to commemorate it. My first idea was a post about my top ten adaptations about which I’ve blogged. My second was a post that was … Continue reading

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Top 5 Screenplays Covered by the Adaptation Station and some Honorable Mentions

I’d like to celebrate the first anniversary of my blog by writing about something that interests me, scriptwriting. I’d better make some things clear about the following list. These are the top 5 scripts from movies about which I’ve blogged, … Continue reading

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Top 4 Nicholas Nicklebys Part 2

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2002) The 2002 Nicholas Nickleby movie, written and directed by Douglas McGrath, makes an interesting counterpoint to the 1947 one. It doesn’t include nearly as many of the novel’s characters, but it arguably … Continue reading

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Top 4 Nicholas Nicklebys Part 1

Charles Dickens’ third novel, The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, is one of my favorites though that’s not a universally held opinion. Many critics, while commending the book’s youthful energy, deride its stock characterizations and meandering, melodramatic plot. I … Continue reading

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