Author Archives: stationmaster

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Part 7: Some Man in a Red Coat Hands You a Sword

The Pevensies and the beavers are trudging across a vast frozen lake. There’s a nice transition from the white landscape to the white sky. Mr. Beaver, who is far ahead, calls behind him, “Come on, humans! While we’re still young.” … Continue reading

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Part 6: I’m Cranky Now

As Edmund enters the White Witch’s courtyard, he looks up and sees what appears to be a giant man about to hit him with a club, but it turns out to be a stone statue. Fans of the book will … Continue reading

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Part 5: He’s a Beaver! He Shouldn’t Be Saying Anything!

I might have been exaggerating for dramatic effect when I said we were leaving behind the most consistently great part of the movie with the last post in this series. The scene of the Pevensies discovering that Tumnus’s house has … Continue reading

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Pride and Prejudice (2005): Style Over Substance?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the Jane Austen fandom is one of the hardest groups to please as fans of the 2005 movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice will attest in exasperation. Critics enthusiastically praised the film’s beautiful … Continue reading

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Part 4: If You Think About It Logically

Peter and Susan stop in their tracks as they find Lucy hugging the professor (Jim Broadbent) and sobbing into his stomach. An angry Mrs. Macready appears. (“You children are one shenanigan shy of sleeping in the stable!”) The professor calms … Continue reading

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Part 3: Don’t Want to Ruin Your Appetite

Lucy bursts out of the wardrobe, not noticing in her haste that it’s still raining outside and Peter, whom you’ll remember was “it” in hide and seek, can be heard finishing counting to one hundred. “It’s all right!” she calls … Continue reading

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Part 2: An Awfully Big Wardrobe

When we last left our heroes, they were eagerly anticipating exploring the grounds of their temporary home the next day. We cut from that to Lucy staring out the window at the thickly falling rain. Ironic changes of scene aren’t … Continue reading

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Part 1: We Have to Stick Together Now

This is going to be my longest, most ambitious series on this blog yet. For the first time since I tackled the 2009 A Christmas Carol, I am going to be analyzing a particular movie adaptation scene by scene and … Continue reading

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A Scrooge Girl in a Scrooge World

A nice thing about my blog not being widely read and me being fairly anonymous is that I feel comfortable making certain embarrassing confessions on here. When I was a boy, I would secretly watch Barbie movies. I had (and … Continue reading

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An Unusually Unfaithful Christmas Carol

Last year, I blogged about some unusual, animated adaptations of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol in Prose. This year, I’m going to do the same. You know, considering how frequently it’s been adapted, it’s amazing how faithful most versions of … Continue reading

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